Friday, February 15, 2008


The Stricklands
are looking to hire
a big green bear,
preferrably one
that looks alot
like BOZ.

Job descriptions would include:
(Morning, noon, and/or night) having lots of fun with our four kids- jumping, reading, playing, singing, dancing, just like that green bear named Boz.
Must have lots of joy and wisdom to teach, love, mentor, and encourage our kids, alot like that green bear Boz.

We have a tree in our backyard that we would provide rent-free!
Pay would be lots of cherry pies! If this is you, please inquire asap!

To get a better look at BOZ, check out his website.


Anonymous said...

Your site is WAY fabulous! =)

Anonymous said...

If you find the Big Green Bear, please let us know. My kids would be over at your house all the time. :)

Did you know that you can go to his website and sign up for your child to receive a card on their birthday? We did and now we are going to see if it works since Cait's is coming up.