Our watermelon and cantaloupe plants are taking over the garden (after numerous attempts to thin them out). I've recently given in and let them grow everywhere!
We are so excited to see these melons getting fat! I have no idea when to pick them? Anyone know?
And we have cantaloupe everyhwere! The Strickland clan are gonna learn to love this stuff this year!
Of course our butterfly garden has taken off. Everything is so colorful and in bloom. We have seen lots of butterflies come to visit. We were even able to raise a caterpillar and release it as a butterfly in our garden. SO much fun!
(pics of butterfly to come- they are on Joel's iPhone)
And lastly our pumpkin plant. It has expanded tremendously and has about 6 pumpkins growing. I hope they grow big and we are able to carve them this fall!!
your garden is amazing! you guys definitely have green thumbs!
That is awesome! You are going to have to learn how to can things to save them.
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