A dear family friend, Shawn Richmond once said that when he attended our wedding he had doubts we would ever make it so young. But now he stands in awe at the testimony of the ten years we've been together.
It would bless Joel and I if we could hear from you out there, would you share any testimonies of our years together? Or share any favorite stories or memories of Joel and I, or maybe of just one of us? We would deeply be grateful to hear from any of you.
I haven't know you long enough to give a testimony but I would like to say Congratulations on 10 years! Doesn't it feel great? It is such an accomplishment and not too many people make it these days. I know the secret is keeping God in your marriage. It is just not something that can be done alone. May He continue to bless your marriage in all the years to come.
I am so proud of the two of you! It has been a blessing to watch the two of you grow in your love for each other.
I have noticed too that as your love grew so did your respect for each other. Your words became kinder and your spirits gentler. I noticed that you began to display the fruits of the Spirit more openly when your relationship with God became more committed as the fore front of your marriage.
I have notice the growth of faith in your marriage not only in our Father;but in each other. In you I truly believe ICorith. 13 is present: Faith,Hope and Love.
well i remember a certain black '79 cutlass supreme (with green grill held in place by a beer box) as my first car. i also remember letting my brother borrow it. then there is me and 2 of my best friends riding in the car when we notice an empty package of an unnamed item sitting on the dash board which in turn horrified us all yet had us cracking up at the same time. to keep along the same theme i remember an empty hill by Lakewood (i think is the name) fitness complex and a church on lakeshore drive. you know where im talking about. but on the serious note i wish i kept in touch with yall more in your early years but that was a time in which joel and i didnt have any mutual friends and i think the only time we didnt share a bedroom. Happy Anniversary =)
It has been such a joy getting to know your family. I love the fact that the whole family will sit around and create things out of clay. You guys have put God as the center of your unit and the evidence is clear that it is working. Blessings!!!!
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